2nd Act – A term used when individuals seek to reinvent themselves, typically later in life.
4 x 4 – A vehicle equipped with 4×4 has 4 wheels and 4 wheel drive. This enables to vehicle to traverse rugged terrain.
5th Wheel – A fifth wheel trailer is equipped with a coupling link allowing it to be towed by a truck equipped with matching coupling link.
80/20 Law – Also known as Pareto’s Law is a principal that 80% of results come from 20% of time and effort exerted.
“A” Class – “A” Class motor home is a recreational vehicle built on a stripped truck chassis with the driving compartment is an integral part of the RV interior. Class “A” motor homes look like a bus.
Absolute Income – Another term for Top Line Income or Income before costs are subtracted and is tied exclusively to money.
A.D.D. – An acronym for Adventure Deficit Disorder, attributed to Tim Ferris.
Adventure Travel – Adventure travel is a popular form of tourism, involving exploration or travel to exotic, remote and sometimes hostile areas.
Affiliate Networks – Affiliate networks acts as an intermediary between website publishers and merchant affiliate programs (companies) that want to advertise and sell their products online.
Airport Code – Three-letter codes used to uniquely identify all airports.
Altitude Sickness – A condition affecting some persons at high altitudes, due to insufficient oxygen in the blood and characterized by nausea, shortness of breath and dizziness.
Amazon Associates – Amazon Associates is one of the first online affiliate marketing programs.
Anchored – A heavy device that is attached to a boat or ship by a chain or rope that is thrown into the water to hold the boat in place.
Art of Living Foundation – The Art of Living Foundation is a volunteer-based, humanitarian and educational non-governmental organization. It was founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
Automation – Refers to setting up all bills to be paid with auto payment.
Aweber – Is a service provider of email marketing software.
B & B – Acronym for Bed & Breakfast type accommodations.
B Class – B Class RVs are manufactured by converting a van into a self-contained camper. B Class typically retain the dimensions of the van, though the roof may be raised to allow for accommodate standing.
Backpacker – To travel or hike carrying one’s belongings in a backpack.
Blog – A website in which someone shares their experience, expresses their personal opinions and activities. Also posting are keep in a chronological order.
Blue Water Cruiser – To travel by sail or power boat for an extended period offshore.
C Class – A Class “C” motor home is a RV built on a cut-away van or truck chassis,
including the cab. Many Class C motor homes are roughly the size and
shape of rental moving trucks.
C Corp – A legal structure that businesses can choose to organize themselves under in order to limit their owners’ legal and financial liabilities. “C” corporations are legally considered separate entities from their owners. In a “C”Corporation, income is taxed at the corporate level and is taxed again when it is distributed to owners.
Cab over camper – A separate camper that sits on top of a pickup truck bed, typically with a sleeping area over the truck cab.
Campground Campgrounds – can be for tent or RV parking with or without utilities (known as hookups).
Caravaner – A participant in a caravan. A term coined by Itchy Nomads website.
Caretaker – Caretaker refers to someone that will take care of a property, often for free in exchange for free housing, to sit pets or to earn compensation for jobs on site.
Cargo Ship – See freighter.
Charity Navigator – An online website that rates Charities.
Charter – A boat or plane that is rented with or without a hired Captain or pilot.
Clickbank – An affiliate network for companies that wish to advertise their products on third party websites and pay those websites a commission in exchange for the exposure.
Clipper Ship – A fast sailing ship, usually of classic design.
Coach – Another term for an Class “A” RV.
Coach Surfer – To stay on someone’s coach, often a strangers, for free while traveling.
Coastal Cruiser – To travel by sail or power boat along a coastal route.
Commission Junction – An affiliate network for companies that wish to advertise their products on third party websites and pay those websites a commission in exchange for the exposure.
Consulate – A countries diplomatic office in a foreign country. Consulates often are in smaller satellite cities in a country then their parent Embassy.
Consultant – A person that gives expert advice or services for a fee.
Contractor – A person that provides materials and preforms a service for a fee,
for a project based period of time.
Copywriter – A person that writes copy, (also known as text) to persuade. Typically copywriters work in the marketing or advertising industries.
Crowd Funding – Is the collective effort of individuals that pool their money, typically through
the internet to support the causes of other individuals or organizations.
Culture Shock – The impact felt when engaging with a foreign country, can cause confusion, anxiety and emotional discomfort.
Currency Converter – A tool for calculating the difference between foreign currencies.
Customs – The governmental process for declaring, taxing and clearing goods into that country.
Dinghy – A small open boat towed and carried aboard a larger boat for the purpose of transportation and escape.
Dreamliner – A planning tool for the development and design of lifestyle design.
Duty – Government fees applied to certain products imported to a country.
Duty Free – Stores, often in Airports or Designated Duty-Free Zones that allow purchases
to be made without paying Duty fees.
Ecotourism – To travel responsibly with sensitivity to environmental and cultural needs.
Elance – An online Job Board for Freelancers.
Embassy – A countries diplomatic office in a foreign country.
Entrepreneur – A person that starts a business with risk to loss of time and money with the expectation of financial gain.
Environmental Travel – Like Ecotourism but often with the guidance of a naturalist.
ESL – An Acronym for “English as a Second Language”.
Escapism – The tendency to escape from daily routine by indulging in daydreaming,
fantasy or entertainment.
Expedition Travel – A journey made for the purpose of discovery.
Expatriate or ExPat – An individual that lives in a foreign country.
Freelancer – A person who works selling their work or services by the hour, the day or
by the project.
Freighter – A vessel used primarily for moving cargo. Many freighters will take a small quantity of paying passengers.
Full Hook up – A term to describe electric, water, sewer and sometimes cable hook up to a RV or Boat.
Full-timer – A person that travels full time in their RV.
Geoarbitrage – One definition is to leverage cheaper labor in other countries by outsourcing one’s personal and business tasks.
Google AdSense – Google AdSense is a free way to earn money from a website.
Google Adwords – Google Adwords is advertising service for websites to display ads for revenue.
Google Analytics – A service provided by Google to provide statistics about website traffic.
Google Maps – A mapping and destination tool provided by Google.
G.P.S. – An acronym that stands for Global Positioning System. The satellite technology responsible for precise location identification.
Happiness – A state of well-being and contentment with a touch of joy.
Home Exchange – A swapping of homes for mutual travelers benefit with no financial exchange.
Home Schooling – A education provided by a child’s parents outside of the traditional school.
Home Swap – Typically a vacation alternative with the exchange of homes between two parties for a temporary stay. No money is exchanged.
Hostel – An establishment that provides inexpensive lodging and possibly food for a designated group of people such as students, elders or travelers.
Hosting Services – A service that runs Internet Services, allowing users to host content on their websites or access email.
Houseboating – A boat that has been designed or modifying primarily to be used for human occupation. May or May not be motorized.
House Sitting – To live in or look after a home while the owner is away.
Hybrid Bike – A bike that blends the functions of road, mountain and touring bikes to tolerate a wide range of riding conditions.
Import and Export – This can be a great resource for businesses wishing to conduct international business.
Independent Traveler – To travel independent of a traveling companion.
Inn Keeper – A person that runs an Inn, either fulltime, temporarily or part time.
International Driver’s License – Is a document recognize by many countries allowing the holder to operate a car in that country. The IDP must be accompanied by a valid country driver’s license.
Jet Lag – Extreme tiredness experienced after a long flight across numerous time zones.
Jobless – To make a living without a job such as an entrepreneur, freelancer, independent contractor etc.
Kidnap Insurance – Also known as K & R insurance is designed to protect individuals and corporations operating in high-risk areas around the world by providing ransom payments or negotiation and rescue services.
Lifestyle Design – A intentional redesign of lifestyle usually based on an unconventional development of income to fuel the lifestyle.
Limited A – common form of business structure found outside the United States. Usually abbreviated as Ltd.
Live Aboard – To reside on a boat.
Live Abroad – To live outside your native country.
LLC – A form of incorporation known as a Limited Liability Corporation.
Localization – Localization is translation that is adapted to the local audience, customs, currency and nuances.
Location Independent – A phrase that describes the ability to work from anywhere, typically with a laptop and/or cell phone.
Low Information Diet – To limit one’s exposure to media, TV, Internet, phone, text etc.
Machine Translation – A computerized translation, typically considered usable but inferior to human translation.
Mail Forwarding Service – companies that receive a person or companies mail and forward it on demand. Services can extend beyond just mail.
Medical Geoarbitrage – To travel for medical purposes, also known as medical tourism.
Micro Loans – Also known as Micro-credit, it is the extension of very small loans to impoverished borrowers who typically lack collateral, steady employment and a verifiable credit history.
Mini Retirement – A mini-retirement is typically one to six months, and allows one to fully participate in their new environment.
Mobility Enterprise – mobility is a term that describes a shift in work habits, with more employees working out of the office and using mobile devices.
Mooring – An anchored floating ball, cone, canister or wand in a navigable body of water in which boats and ships tie up to.
Monetize – To make a website earn money.
Motorhome – A motor vehicle built on a bus or truck chassis and designed to serve as self-contained living quarters for recreational travel.
New Rich – Tim Ferris defines it as those who abandon the deferred-life plan and create luxury lifestyles in the present using the currency of the New Rich: time and mobility. Also known as NR.
Niche Market – A business term that described the identification of a very specialized target market.
Off-Road – To transit on non-paved surfaces.
Off-the-Grid – To live independent of the power grid, and off the public water and sewer system.
Paperless – To switch from paper based records to digital records.
Park Model – Park Model trailers, are recreational vehicles that remain transportable but are designed for long-term or permanent placement at a destination.
P.P.C. – An acronym for Pay-Per-Click which means the amount a website pays another company when someone clicks from the host website to the advertisers website.
Perpetual Traveler – Also known as PT, Permanent Tourist or Prior Taxpayer refers to both a philosophy and a way of life.
Pinterest – A social media environment designed around a pin board-style photo-sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, and hobbies.
Rails-to-Trails – A rail-to-trail is the conversion of a disused railway into a multi-use path, typically for walking, cycling and sometimes horseback riding.
Relative Income – An equation of income divided by numbers of hours required to earn it.
Remote worker – Also known as Telecommuter or Teleworker is a work arrangement in which employees do not commute to a central place of work.
Retirement – The act of ending ones working or professional career.
Round-the-World – Usually refers to a single priced multi stop airfare ticket to go around the world often with time and direction restrictions. Also known as R.T.W. fares.
Royalty Free Materials – Refers to licensed materials such as Stock Photos, Graphics, and Audio Files etc.
R.V. – Abbreviation for Recreational Vehicle.
R.V. Resort Community – A resort where RV’s can rent by the day, week, month or year. Typically includes full hook up and some amenities such as a pool, clubhouse or tennis court.
“S” Corp – An “S”Corp is a U.S. type of corporation where the profits are passed through to the shareholders and no corporate income tax is collected.
Seasonal Worker – A person that works a short term job based on a seasonal opportunity. For example a swimming pool Lifeguard in the summer time.
Second Act – A term used when individuals seek to reinvent themselves, typically later in life.
Self-Publishing – Self-publishing is the publication of a book or some other media by the author without the involvement of an established third-party publisher.
Semester Abroad – Is an academic term for college studies in a foreign country for a semester while studying under a framework of Academic guidelines.
S.E.O. – An acronym for Search Engine Optimization which is the process for affecting the visibility of a website or webpage in a search engines search results.
Skype – A free internet based tool for communicating by Text, Audio and Video.
Snowbird – A person that migrates from a cold climate to a warm climate in the alternate season.
Sole Proprietor – A sole business owner without partners.
Stock Photography – Photography and sometimes other media such as graphics or illustrations have can be licensed.
Surfer – A person that Surfs but also might create a lifestyle around the sport of surfing.
Target Daily Income-TDI – An acronym for estimating the Cost of Daily Lifestyle Income- thought to have been coined by Tim Ferriss.
Target Monthly Income-TMI – An acronym for estimating the Cost of Monthly Lifestyle Income- thought to have been coined by Tim Ferriss.
TEFL – A globally recognized teaching certification for “Teaching English as a Foreign Language”.
Telecommuter – A worker that works part or fulltime from their home but collects a conventional paycheck and benefits.
Timeshare – Joint ownership arrangement typically for a vacation home.
Time Zones – The Earth’s Surface is divided into 24 Time zones based on the rotation of the earth in relationship with the elliptical orbit of the sun. For example the continental United States is divided into 5 time zones which includes Alaska.
Tiny House – Movement A movement inspiring people to downsize to living spaces typically 100-400’ square feet.
Toy Hauler – A type of recreational trailer that opens in the back with cargo space for loading and unloading of motorcycles, ATVs etc.
Trailer – An unpowered vehicle towed by another.
Travel Insurance – An insurance product designed to cover the cost and minimize the risk of unexpected events affecting ones travel.
Treehouse – A structure built in a tree, sometimes for fulltime living.
Twitter – A social media environment based on short messages of 140 characters or less.
U.S. State Department – A federal department of the U.S. Government that is responsible for International relations.
U.S. Trade Department – A federal department of the U.S. Government that is responsible for Trade,
Virtual Assistants – Also known as V.A. A V.A. is a contractor that preforms Administrative or Technical and sometimes Personal tasks for remote, often home based businesses.
Visa – A document issued by a Government to allow entrance to a foreign visitor.
Voltage – A unit of measurement for electrical power.
Volunteering – To donate ones time for a cause.
Working Overseas – To work or be employed in a foreign country.
World Electric Guide – A comprehensive listings of worldwide electrical and telephone information and corresponding calculators. This website is a terrific resource for the international traveler.
W.H.O. – A acronym for the World Health Organization. The W.H.O. website is an important resource for international travelers.
Work Permit – A government issued document granting approval to work in that country.
WX – An acronym for Weather.
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